Hell i woke up at 7 today for tuition and didn't turn up for art class, since I haven't got my work done and all my friends ain't going. I should really feel guilty for that, but I don't think i can ever complete that BIGG piece of work in 2 weeks o_O
Spent abit of the afternoon watching half of kiki's delivery service for the third time while enjoying my lunch. I like watching these movies in detail, the animations really amaze me O:
Revised geography until my mom returned. Both of us started to sing some really old songs, I seriously wonder where I hear all those oldies from. Then, she took out a stack 10 cds all oozing with goodness. There's this collection with 150 songs and they include sad movies and Raindrops keep falling on my head LOL.
I just watched a few episodes of Family Guy. Yes, season 1. They're at season 6 now I think, but I can always catch up whenever I have some spare time in my hands. The show is just really, really funny. Not lousy crap kinda funny, I haven't really found out which part of it makes it funny but yeah, just very amusing. Did i just use "funny" three times?
Anyway. Stewie cracks me up with his british accent and eccentric use of vocabulary (mindyou, he's a 1 year old kid, pretty short with a football head too). I especially like those parts where he goes "victory is mine!!!" ,and Lois will pick him up just like that. xD Oh and his evil plans are always ruined by the adults, but they sometimes save the day! (or rather, peter from trouble)
I don't have much to say since i've only watched a few episodes, and i liked ep 3 best LOL. please don't shoot me that why-are-you-so-lag-i-watched-it-100 years-ago look. D: Actually, you can, because I feel the same way o_O
I have nothing else to say for today, unfortunately.
wait. WHO ATE MY LOTTE KOALA'S MARCH CHOCOLATE CREAM COOKIES?!?! (they taste 10000 times better than hello panda, really)
they're gone, only 3 packets left. NOOO, and there's no more TimTams either D:
May the theif bow down before me and beg for mercy, muahahaha!
anqi: yayyn i like it tooo! (x
anqi: hahaha nice pen
{hahaha which onee :D the book? its cute and nice and LOL its a dismantled pen and i think its cool too HAHA}
terie: 4L (L)! u should have told me u were going back yourself, then we could have POTOed
{haha it was my fault at first for telling you i might have the appointment D: yeah seriously we should set POTO date asap!!!}
gtgw: ello
anon: LOLOLOL. HAHAHAHHA omg milk bottle HAHAHAHA you made my day XD
{ANON YOU BETTER REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY OR I'LL KILL YOU! . its just a milk bottle im' sure you can't resist it too :D}
POLDYGOH: emmafung study hard 'cause i am too! hahahaha take care of chloe and cody maybe i'll come see them! MY FUTURE DESCENDANTS! c'est glauche D:
{POLDYGOH! okay i will we shall all study hard! OKAY chloe and cody are sleeping right now! THEY ARE NOT YOUR DESCENDANTS hahhaha. c'est glauche! DD:}
peixuan: hahaha.. wedding ceremony!! =D confetti! haha.. invite me man.. =D hehehehe.. its surname is the same as mine too!!! =D hahahaha.. and gahh. milk bottle. =X hahahaha.. =) so erm, like you.. =D hehee.
peixuan: haha. poldy goh. =D hahaa.. then i shall be cody goh. =D hahahaha.. =D or shall i be yody goh. hahaha.. =D
peixuan: oh. i shall be the judge for the ceremony!!! hahaha.. =D and premarital sex. hahahaha.. =) i'll buy them a wedding present too!!! =))) heeeee.
peixuan: and i think those files are beautiful!!! i have the pink one!! =D ahhh... ^^ what about the red one? u have it?? =)
{hahaha OKAY I WILL INVITE YOU NEXT MONTH! :D hahaha okay you shall be CODYGOH! :D who's junjie then? xD and lolll it takes forever to suck on it lol. LOL prepare your speech as the judge! and yeah, premarital sex is bad, even for hamsters! OKAY REMEMBER TO BUY THEM WEDDING PRESENTS! :DDDDD yes i think they are beautiful too! i have the whole collection of colours now, the red is the one beside the pink one! =DDD RED IS BEAUTIFUL! i just got the dark blue one today!}
isabel: ahaha EMMAFUNG you zilianer.. poldygoh will only come alive once in awhile i suppose..
{WHY AM I A ZILIANER D: what made you say so ahhhhhh. what do you mean come alive once in awhile o_O so do you want the babies? if they'll produce any xD}
gtgw: hahah
baochuan: haha emma!! you're my tissue supplier manxz.

{hahaha baochuan! you amuse me with your mervin name-calling manzzxzxz! xD}
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